jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Oral presentation: The future

My group were formated by Cristian Vela, Arantxa Martinez and me. We were explain how were our life in 2050.
to start, the world in the future will be a world very technological: It will be eliminate diseases thanks to next medicine.
 In the future persons will be having others understanding of the music, this will be very diferent, the music will be having most rhymith than lyrics, but some music style will be staying the lyrics, it's based of expresion.
Also, we were talk about future technology, it will be most innovative and most useful in our diary life.
We were talk of smarthouse and smartphone.
the smarthouse, it can do all of task of house. And the smartphone will have personality. It will feel identificated with his personal name, even it will have feelings and emotions (like cry, laught, fall in love) and even it will annoys when we don't pay attention.
Finally, our conclusion were the technology will dominate our life, it will have most negative effects that postive effects. In the future will be very progress, it will change our life.

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